Statement of the Algonquin Anishnabe People
“Anishinàbe aking ate awasò kikinàwadjichigan. Kì kàgige anishinàbe akìwan. Mikawenimàdàg inigik anishinàbeg kà kodgitòwàdj, kigi gaye kakina pemàdizdjig wagidakamig. Mikawenmàdà gaye kichimanidò kà kìjigokedj igì mininàng pimàdiziwin, nibwàkàwin, tibinawewiziwin gaye wìdj-apìtenimigoziwin ondjikakina pemàdzidjig. Kakina ke wìdjideyemònangwà anamikawàdànig. ”
“The land on which this structure stands is part of the traditional territories of the Algonquin Anishnabe people. We have occupied these lands since time immemorial. It is fitting that this symbol should stand here as a reminder of the suffering of oppressed people everywhere and of our faith in the wisdom of the Great Spirit and the promise of Life, Dignity, Freedom, and Equality for all living beings. We welcome all who come here to share in our hope.”